I hate all of you.

Less than two days remain before, if my admittedly-cynical, bitter predictions are true, the United States of America will follow up the unlikely feat of electing its first Black President by electing its first female President, and I don’t know if I could be angrier than I am right now. Two years of Citizens United-spawned… Continue reading I hate all of you.

I drink you up.

On the forgotten side of midnight, I am prompted to recall certain indelible things whose painful etches recall tattoos more than scars, blissfully endless moments so satisfying they were somehow able to soften the blow of the reality they preceded and became written into my code. Your sigh is part of my source, your smile… Continue reading I drink you up.

old habits.

I don’t blog that much anymore, at least not here, and while I don’t miss it all that much, I do find the format worthwhile to keep this active. I’m not dead, basically, and even though everyone who knows and cares enough about me to follow this also follows me elsewhere, I want to put… Continue reading old habits.

Darryl Zero’s Top Albums of 2015.

10) Sannhet – Revisionist Operatic instrumental post-metal isn’t new, nor is melodramatic sweeping post-rock, but Sannhet manages to make both interesting and vigorous with Revisionist.  Starting intense and staying that way throughout, the album concisely rips through nine tracks without overstaying its welcome or falling victim to the indulgence that usually plagues musicians as good as they are.… Continue reading Darryl Zero’s Top Albums of 2015.


tumblr_o0vt8p4CIV1qb0io8o1 A recording of the only competent song I ever wrote.  Single microphone in a basement.  Jason Sloan on drums, me on Bass/Vocals, Eli Savage on keys, Dan O’Hara on guitar.


this dude is dicking around and just makes one of the dopest songs of the past 15 years. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)


I think the reality of my being a parent hasn’t truly felt like “parenting” because, at this point, my son (whom I love with an irrational passion that makes me wake up happy even when shit is going painfully sour in the rest of my life) is little more than a small, helpless creature who can’t… Continue reading dad.